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Museums nearby

The area around Park Zijpersluis has a lot of museums. In the various old towns in this part of North Holland you can discover the most beautiful stories, objects and works of art from history. But also if you want to learn more about the region, our park is the place to be.


Have you always wanted to know the history of cheese? Or are you curious about life and living in the year 1900? Then you're in the right place in our park. In Alkmaar you will find the Dutch Cheese Museum. In this museum you will be taken through the history of the world famous Dutch cheese. Why is Dutch cheese so popular? And how is it made? You will discover all this at the Cheese Museum.

In the Museum Vreeburg in Schagen you can enjoy it twice. The museum consists of two parts. The first part is a restored 17th century city farm that serves as a farm museum. In this part of Museum Vreeburg you will discover what life was like in the year 1900. The second part of the museum is the carriage museum. Here is a large collection of old carriages. Here you can see the most beautiful well-maintained carriages in history. And do you want to see them at work? During the ten West Frisian Thursdays they make a tour through Schagen.


Are you a real art lover? Even then we can recommend a museum. The Stedelijk Museum in Alkmaar for example. This museum shows a large number of works of art by well-known and lesser known artists. The museum has a permanent collection, but also changes exhibitions regularly. So you can go here more than once without seeing the same collection all the time.

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